Monday, July 11, 2011

It is said that cancer should be detected earlier & treated earlier.Should there be a legal ban on homeopathy?

In many cases it has been seen that people believe in Homeopathy and continue treatment for weeks or for months in cases of cancer like deadly diseases. But cancer should be detected and treated earlier before it is spread all over the body or before it is outside the limit of treatment. Hearing assurance from the Homeopathic doctors, many cancer patients wait for months continuing homeopathic treatment. And when that cancer patient is at last brought in an modern cancer detection and treatment center, the doctor says---"Why have you brought the patient so late at this critical stage, when it is out of hand ?" And some doctors cannot even restrict themselves from using filthy language against the patient party rebuking vehemently following their human emotions. This has been seen in many cases. So, for treatment of those diseases, where you can wait for some more time, there homeopathy is okay, but where you cannot wait for a single minute, and you have to start modern allopathic treatments immediately, there it seems that following homeopathic treatment is very dangerous. So, should there be a legal ban on Homeopathic treatments in such cases ? Please express your opinion.

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