Monday, July 18, 2011

What happens if my probation officer tries to take away my conditional discharge?

first my probation officer issues a warrant for my arrest; 2 hours later i show up to his office. he tells me i have not paid on my fines($1933.00) and i failed to, i get arrested and he told me sense i completed my community service( which i volunteered for) i can bond out in means of paying my entire fine(cash only). so, my mom managed to pay my fine given that i'm in college and she didn't want me to be dropped from school. now that i'm released from jail my probation officer told me i still have to go to court to revoke my conditional discharge. now let me state the facts, on January 3,2010 i was arrested for shoplifting,obstruction, and false information to a police officer. yes! indeed this was very stupid, however the judge felt that since it was my first time in trouble and i was still in high school with good grades she gave me a second chance. i was given 2 years probation and if i completed it, my record will continue to stay clear. i must admit my probation officer has been very patient with me, however, i live in a very small town in south Georgia; so getting a job was very difficult and majority of the first year of my probation i was pregnant. all i have positive in my life is that i'm in college with a gpa of 3.3. i have hopes of graduating with a b.a. in sociology and to become a social worker, juvenile counselor or probation officer. besides that while i'm getting my degree i want to join the army and learn about information technology and hopefully get a couple of certifications to become a computer specialist or something of that nature. i go to court July 19 to see if i am able to keep my conditional discharge so my record will remain clear. my question is what usually happens at the revocation hearing? and if the judge does decide to take away my conditional discharge will i still be able to enlist in the army? what can i possibly say or do to keep this conditional discharge?

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